Judging and Assessment 中文

Judging Criteria

Award Category Best Digital Entertainment Award
Streams Animation & Visual Effect Stream Entertainment Software Stream Interaction Design Stream
Innovation and Creativity in ICT 20% 20% 20%
Functionality 20% 20% 20%
Market Potential/ Performance 20% 20% 20%
Benefits and Impact 20% 20% 20%
Quality 20% 20% 20%


Assessment Process

During the course of evaluation, assessors may require access to relevant information in the entrant’s possession and access to the entrant’s premises. The entrant will be notified in advance if such access is required. Any information supplied by the entrant for the purpose of the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2017 will be treated as confidential, and will not be released by the Organiser and related parties without the entrant’s permission.

In 1st Assessment, all entries will be pre-screened by representatives of the industries. In Animation & Visual Effects, Visual Effects, Entertainment Software and Interaction Design stream, videos and all related application materials will be shown to the assessors. A certain no. of entries of each stream will be selected and assessed in the 2nd Assessment (No. of selected entries will be depended on the quality of the entries). In 2nd Assessment is like the 1st Assessment shortlist entries will be proceeded to final judging panel. The Entertainment Software and Interaction Design stream, entrants will be interviewed with the assessors. In Final Judging Panel, the Grand Award and Award winners will be selected based on judging criteria with a fair and equitable situation. The Grand Award of the Best Digital Entertainment Award will be required to attend the adjudication on Award of the Year in 2017.